About Us

Usha Kumaran
I’ve always been a passionate idealist. I aimed to excel at everything I tried my hand at, with mixed results. I wanted to sing, dance, act, and be a ground-breaking geotechnical engineer, perfect mom, bubbly socialite, and a successful entrepreneur.
Most of those lofty goals have been thrown away from the recesses of my over-achieving mind a long time ago but one thing that has never changed has been my desire to be my own boss one day. I never knew that Chellamey Books would be the way I’d go but when my best friend and I realised we really wanted to find something for our children that was just frankly not easily available, we decided to seize the moment and try our hand at creating exactly what we envisioned to be the perfect Tamil interactive Children's’ books.
It remains to be seen if we will be successful but we are going to give it our all and try our best to put quality material out there that any and all Tamil parents will love for their children. And at the core of what we do will be the kindness and love we hope to put out into the world, and all our books will reflect that. This is one thing my idealist self will not compromise on as the world sorely needs all the loving it can get, doesn’t it?

Razmiah Banu
When I was young, all I ever wanted to be when I grew up was a mother. Of four children, more specifically, two boys and two girls, in any order. I would have a humble home in the heartlands and raise all of them myself as a stay-at-home mum. I knew from then that my motto in life will always be "family comes first".
Life has turned out slightly different, albeit still great. My time is filled juggling my two spirited boys, my wonderful husband and a full-time job that keeps me connected with my community and heritage.
Growing up as a Singaporean Indian Muslim has taught me that staying connected with my roots is the foundation for one's identity. I knew from early on that my I will raise my children to be confident and proud of their mother tongue - Tamil - which I myself never was but continue to aspire to be.
With this, I am incredibly excited to work with my best friend of more than a decade to bring beautiful Tamil books for Tamil families across the world who share the same vision that I have.